September 7, 2017

Council Members

New Member Applications

Want to Join FAC? Fill out the application here!

FAC is a student-run organization comprised of between 15 and 30 members. Each semester, FAC accepts applications from students interested in joining the Council. FAC members help determine which student organizations receive FAC funding (received from the Student Activity Fee) each semester. Additionally, FAC members work closely with student organizations to ensure events are put on properly and to FAC standards.

Eligibility Requirements:
  • Be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at Truman State University
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.50
Member Responsibilities:
  • Attend weekly meetings (5 pm, Wednesday evenings)
  • Attend weekly office hours (1 hour, date and time determined each semester)
  • Assist with special committees, when needed
  • Attend funding hearings (typically held from 4-9 on one Wednesday and Thursday about halfway through the semester)
  • Attend allĀ of deliberations (typically from 1-6 on the Sunday immediately following funding hearings)
  • Operate as the FAC liaison for 2-3 student organizations each semester
  • Maintain confidential information

Meet the Council

President: Mason Wilson

Vice President: Jacob Ludbrook

Treasurer: Joe Denklau

Regulations Chair: John Vincent

Secretary and PR Chair: Hannah Wigger

Student Representative: Danny McGurn

Matt Buck

Dylan Laffleur


Contact Us!

Phone: (660)785-7674

The Funds Allotment Council office is located in SUB 1109A, on the lower level of the Student Union Building. Members of the Council work scheduled office hours every week, which is a good time to drop by and inform your Council liaison of the progress of your group’s activity. Office hours for each liaison are posted on the FAC office door.

Please note: FAC members do their best to attend all of their scheduled office hours each week. However, FAC is a student-run organization and sometimes assignments pile up or life happens and a member is unable to make it to the office. If the office is closed at any time, please feel free to leave documents in the mailbox beside the door and/or email your liaison or the FAC account your questions, comments, or concerns.